4. Nuevas Adquisiciones

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Boyd, W.L.& Miretzky, D. (2003). American educational governance on trial: change and challenges. Chicago.  Ill.:  National Society for the Study of Education:  Distributed by the University of Chicago Press.  Call #: 370.62 N277yv. 102, pt. 1

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Kelleher, P. & Van der Bogert, R., (2006). Voices for democracy: Struggles and celebrations of transformational leaders. Chicago IL: National Society for the Study of Education; Malden, Mass.: Distributed by Blackwell Pub. Call #:  370.62 N277y v.105, pt.1

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Marzano, R.J., (2007). The art and science of teaching: A comprehensive framework for effective instruction. Alexandria, VA. : Association for Supervisión and Curriculum Development. Call #: 371.102 M393a

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Torres, R.M. (2000). Educación para todos, la tarea pendiente. Madrid: Editorial Popular. Call #: 371.207 T6931e

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Burrows Horton, C. & Cruise, T. K. (2001). Child abuse and neglect: the school’s response. New York: Guilford Press. Call #: 372.178 H823c

Gordon, A.M., Williams Browne, K. & Cruz, J.  (guest editor) (2004). Beginnings & Beyond: Foundations in early childhood education. Clifton Park, NY: Thomson/ Delmar Learning. Call #: 372.21 G662b

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Guerra Frontera, E. (2006). Tú, ellos y los otros. Belmont, Ma: Editorial Pasiteles.
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Pyrczak, F. & Bruce, R. R. (2007). Writing empirical research reports: A basic guide for students of the social and behavioral sciences. Glendale, CA: Pyrczak Pub. Call #. 808.02 P998w.

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